COVID Madness

COVID Madness, I see the madness. I see our shared predicament. I hope for a beautiful outcome. I see enormous difficulties that none of us can imagine. I don’t know if any of it is true. Where do we begin? How should we cope? That is a loaded question beyond comprehension. We can only do our best, given our current context and circumstance. We must do our best for the survival of those around us. It is not a question of if it is a question of how. If we give in to our negative side and cop-out, we have failed. ...

Coronavirus Thoughts

Earth 2020 Coronavirus thoughts have swept the globe. I’ve never seen anything like this virus in my lifetime. It is the epitome of madness yet fascinating at the same time. What we’re witnessing here is the biggest global stress test of our time. We are gathering data on a worldwide scale that will all but tell us some interesting facts. Which political systems best responded to the virus? How truly dysfunctional are our Governments? How resilient is our societal infrastructure? It will tell us a lot more than that. The answers to these questions could reshape the world stage in ways never imagined. It’s a scary thought but also a thought full of hope. In the midst of this mysterious moment in time, we could find something amazing. We could find that most of us want to connect and want to be able to disconnect responsibly. It’s my hope that we will come out on the other side of this test and learn something. ...