Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder about where I’ve been and what I have overcome. I’ve put myself through the wringer a lot. Heck, I’m still putting myself through the wringer, but not with the same things I did in the past. Self Unawareness Most of my life could aptly be described as blissful ignorance. Only in the past few years did I truly turn inward to understand myself and therefore the world I live in. I spent the required amount of time studying my actions, but nothing more. I would self correct when I made small mistakes, but the results of my big mistakes lingered. ...

We’re Hung Up

We’re hung up on thousands of layers of bullshit. If we’re completely honest with ourselves, we get hung up on small details every day. Often we get hung up on details for a great reason like solving difficult problems that require getting hung up on information to solve them. Most of the time, we get hung up on trivial things like whether or not our food dish has colored carrots or not. ...

Observations on Humanity

My observations on humanity are numerous. I like to think. It gets me in big trouble sometimes. I’ll spend days, weeks, and even months pondering concepts in my brain and defining relationships to other ideas. It can be quite a distraction, but sometimes it leads to observations like the following. Children We are kids with toys. Many humans spend their entire life fighting to acquire or keep their toys. Some win the hunter-gatherer game, some get dealt a horrible hand, while others don’t play or give up at the first level. ...

Wear a mask

Here is the advice from experts. The CDC The [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)] is a national public health institute in the United States. The CDC recommendations include using a cloth mask. The WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO recommendations include using a cloth mask. ...

Racism is a social construct

While we debate racism, let’s remember that it is a social construct and not based on science. We are all one race, the human race, and discrimination between colors is entirely arbitrary. People that treat others differently because of their skin are wildly misinformed. The people that engage in this social construct, racism, are following a fantasy that we are separate. We are not; we are one species fighting for survival in this world. ...