Existential Threats

Existential threats are plentiful in the modern age. Once upon a time, humans could count their threats on one hand. The threats of antiquity were tangible and easy to understand. Wild animals, poisonous lifeforms, a nearby village, and sharp rocks were the threats of the day. In the modern era, we can indulge in the fear of losing all our wealth at the drop of a hat, a nuclear bomb dropping, a worldwide pandemic, and a multitude of other threats we read about in the news. I wonder what this is doing to human psychology. ...

A Vessel

A vessel is what I am. I’m part of a complex system of connections in a world of connections. Like the roots of a tree, my existence depends on how deep it goes. Have my roots dug far enough to understand the world I live in? Never, for more roots do not take away from the tree. One can learn so much about themselves by understanding the balanced existence of a tree. ...

I Feel Peace

I traveled a breathless eternity to find peace. I have arrived tempered by the desperate scars of a life lived. I am grounded like a thousand-year-old tree. I am finally one with the universe. I let go, like a stream around a small hill. I watch the small pools of water turning dark from the mud. The dam of the Earth is broken, and my soul is set free. It feels like a street corner carnival ride, spinning in earnest towards the balanced center of everything. ...

The Meaning of Meaning

I don’t know how to start. I’m adding a few more bytes to the Internet. We humans have come a long way since the early hard drives of the 80s to the 1 million exabytes stored on the Internet at large. There are 4.4 million blog posts made per day. What makes anyone think that adding another post will make any difference? What Is Purpose? I like to start with a definition. It grounds me and fills me with purpose. ...

The Meaninglessness of Social Media

The meaninglessness of social media has reached a tipping point. Mark Zuckerberg’s extremist view has created a monster, and we’re all paying the price. People sharing more - even if just with their close friends or families - creates a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of the lives and perspectives of others. We believe that this creates a greater number of stronger relationships between people and that it helps people get exposed to a greater number of diverse perspectives. ...