My Inner Voice

My inner voice hears a million screaming lifeforms clamoring for attention. My life is a series of prods and pokes from these lifeforms. I’ve allowed many of them to guide me. I’ve learned much from them, and they have learned much from me. The Ride It can be fun to take a ride with a friend. It’s easy to let them lead me someplace I’ve never been before. However, it’s not fun to be taken for a ride, only to lose myself along the way. ...

Stirring The Pot

Stirring the pot usually has a negative connotation. When people stir the pot, it’s often with the intent of causing drama. However, stirring your own pot of emotions and thoughts can lead to fruitful outcomes. Self Exploration We are all infinitely complex beings. Our experiences shape us into the beings we are right now. I’ve spent most of my life exploring the world around me. I’ve always been introspective, but I never deeply explored my inner self. The last several-year journey of self-exploration is both perplexing and illuminating. ...

The Rabbit Holes

The rabbit holes run deep in my life. I have many priorities that I’ve collected over the years. The past couple of years of regularly meditating on this statement have illuminated this fact. If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? It’s a profound question that pushes me to think about why I engage in any activity. Two years later and I’m still struggling with too many priorities. ...

A Moment

I lost a friend today. I used to work with him when I lived in California. Shortly after he moved to Oregon with his wife, I also moved to Oregon with my family. We both talked about meeting up somewhere, but we never got around to it. Adult friendship = 2 people saying "I haven't seen you in forever! We should really hang out more" over and over again until one of you dies ...

Knowing Yourself

Knowing yourself is life’s greatest puzzle. After almost ten decades on this planet, I am still constantly locking pieces and learning that some don’t quite fit. It’s truly a never-ending story that is both frustrating and rewarding. Who am I? It’s not an easy question to answer. Experiences, genetics, thoughts, behaviors, and a multitude of other attributes are what many people use to define themselves. A few people believe we don’t exist, and what people believe us to be is simply a character on the stage of life. ...