Fuck Facebook

Fuck Facebook and all centralized social media platforms. I’ve had it with all of them. The thought police have come to roost, and they have names. Facebook - The older adult’s platform full of ads, spies, Trump supporters, and Russians Twitter - The celebrity platform meant for spamming fans LinkedIn - The corporate shill’s platform meant for spamming their services. Instagram - The young girl’s platform meant for spamming their cleavage. ...

I Can’t Stand Pretentious Bullshit

I can’t stand pretentious bullshit. I am fully aware of the irony of writing about it. As I write these words, I realize it’s at least a skosh pretentious to think they are worthy of reading. However, I will attempt to avoid being pretentious and let my thoughts flow. Pretentious I like to start with definitions. pretentious adjective Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed; making an exaggerated outward display; ostentatious, showy. ...

A Disney Cruise Travel Review

A Disney Cruise travel review by Jeff Bailey My wife and daughter wanted a Disney Cruise for Christmas. It took me quite some time to agree to such a significant expense, but in the end, love and the promise of fond memories beat the bean counter in me. I’m glad the bean counter lost, and love prevailed. Here’s a recount of the five-night cruise experience. If you want to avoid spoilers and love surprises, skip links to videos. I was happy to be surprised by most of the trip, so tread with caution. ...

A Pokemon Evolution

A Pokemon evolution is so popular because it maps directly with humanity. Yesterday, my wife called me her little Pokemon. One of the things I love about her is her uniqueness and ability to accept change. She would argue that change is hard for her, but she accepts me every step of the way as I evolve. Evolution Evolution is a theme of the 2020s. The world has changed in profound ways, and I doubt anyone could argue against that statement. While many things remain, constant change is everywhere right now. ...

A Disconnected Existence

A disconnected existence was my normal for many years. Even when hyper-connected to friends, I mostly kept people at arm’s length. I think childhood trauma damaged my connection to the universe. I can’t be sure, but it seems like a smoking gun. After wicked amounts of struggle, after running a spiritual marathon, I put on the brakes. I reflected, and at that moment, I arrived. I took a moment to breathe, finally. Ever since, my hopes and dreams have arrived at my preferred station like clockwork. All those magnificent impassable boulders have shattered into dust. I feel like Neo in The Matrix; there is no spoon. 🥄 ...