Why Does Everyone Think They’re An Expert?

Why does everyone think they are an expert? I have been puzzling this out in my head, and I’m not entirely sure why, but let’s explore the possibilities and evidence. I’m no expert, and I’ll never say I am in every case. I behave with humility and attempt to learn rather than dictate. I’m pragmatic, and I rarely believe I’m right. To me, confidence is admitting you’re fallible. It’s being curious and open to new ideas. After all, it’s easier to be right than wrong. ...

Opinions Are Like Assholes

Like most of us on social media, I see people post a problem and a tsunami of opinions. Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. It’s a classic turn of phrase packed with truth while stating the obvious. I was on LinkedIn this morning, and a guy posted about his weight problem. The comment section contains conflicting opinions about running, walking, and eating right. EVERYONE HAS AN OPINION! I know people are trying to help, but a sea of opinions isn’t helpful. Neither are facts. ...

How Do I Meditate on Death?

How do I meditate on death? More importantly, why meditate on death? It will unlock freedom with practice. Let Go First, release tension throughout your body. Breathe Take deep and long breaths. Focus Focus your mind on the ends of your life. Imagine the void before your birth. Imagine the void after your death. Loved Ones Focus on deceased loved ones. Honor, remember, and love them. Open your heart. Outcome In time, you come to know. In knowing, you become. ...

A Plethora of Possibilities

I have been pondering this lately, and I’m fascinated. A plethora of possibilities is present right now. You could be doing ~35,000 other things today, but here you are. Let’s delve into this universal human predicament. What To Do? Choosing a word presents a challenge at times. I’ve spent a lot of time peering behind refrigerator doors. I won’t get into how many hours I spent deciding if I like someone, processing that much data is a challenge. ...

My First Concert

My first concert was a Megadeth concert in Seattle, WA. I accompanied my buddies Tim and Jason. Tim was driving us there in his brand new Bronco, and on the way, we passed through a freeway tunnel. We had smoked a few blunts before going, and Tim was understandably foggy. Oh, the recklessness of youth, am I right? As we traveled at about eighty to keep up with traffic, I remember looking up as a parked car rapidly approached us in the middle of the freeway tunnel. I yelled at Tim to look out, and he swerved to the right to miss the car in front of us as we spun out of control. After flipping around, we were backward in the tunnel, bumped up against the right side of the road. ...